ONGOING :: One-on-One Human Design with Lisa Brooke


Human Design is a tool you can use to understand the why and how you move through your life.
Combining modern physics with the ancient wisdom of the chakra system, Vedic astrology, kabbalah, and the I Ching a Human Design reading reveals a personal chart that is unique to you.

Combining modern physics with the ancient wisdom of the chakra system, Vedic astrology, kabbalah, and the I Ching a Human Design reading reveals a personal chart that is unique to you. Once equipped with your Strategy you can break old patterns and move forward into a life with more confidence and flow.

What to Expect To Learn From Your Human Design Reading

It will reveal your individual Personality Type, your Strategy, and the proper method to use for making decisions.

You will see a version of yourself you likely haven't seen in a while. Many people describe this experience as seeing themselves 'before the world got in'. It's you, but returned to your 'factory settings.'

You will learn the grand design for your life

You are strongly encouraged to bring a journal to capture the information you'll learn. It's a lot.


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